Prices in Budapest

Prices in Budapest

Hungarian currency is Forint (abbreviated as Ft. or HUF). Banknotes come in denominations of 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000 HUF, coins in circulation are 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.

There are plenty of exchange offices in the downtown, and major credit cards are accepted by most restaurants, shops and supermarkets.

Below are the average prices of products and services in Budapest given in Euro.


Taxi from/to airport: 20 Eur
Public transport ticket: 1 Eur
Coffee in a café/restaurant: 1-4 Eur, normally 1,5 Eur
Meal in a fastfood per person: 3-5 Eur
Dinner without drinks per person in a café/restaurant: 6-20 Eur
Bottle of wine in a café/restaurant: 10-20 Eur
Beer in a café/restaurant: 1,5-3 Eur
Pack of cigarettes: 2 Eur
Bottle of water in a shop: 0,4 Eur
Museum admission fee: 2,6-4 Eur/person
Thermal bath admission fee: 6,5-10 Eur/person (depending on bath and bathing time)
Club admission fee: 1,6-10 Eur/person

Exchange rate as of March 03, 2009:

1 Euro is 305 Ft.
1 US dollar is 240 Ft.
1 GB pound is 340 Ft.

By Sosna on 03 Mar 2009. Updated on 03 Mar 2009
a Bottle of wine...

'Bottle of wine in a café/restaurant: 20 Euro'


go to a feckin' CBA, get a 1000ft bottle of Teleki (less than 4 euro) and drink it at Szimpla for free.

Budapest is an expat trap.

Why trap?

In any country wine in a restaurant is more expensive than wine in a shop.

And Szimpla is definitely not everybody's cup of tea.

Feckin'? Father Ted, you?

By Sosna on 07 Mar 2009
I think if you order a bottle

I think if you order a bottle of wine in a restaurant you simply expect to pay more. If you don't have the money for it you should probably not do it :)
But might also depend on the wine a bit :)

By Judy (not verified) on 17 Mar 2009
Some correction needs for

Some correction needs for above information.
The Euro is 270 not 305? GBP 311 not a 340 Huf
The transport ticket is 300 Huf, 1,10 Euro now.

All the best


By Tamas (not verified) on 26 Sep 2009