
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.


Budapest. Communications.

This section deals with various kinds of communications – from public telephones to WI-FI hotspots in Budapest.

Find here where you can check your e-mail while in Budapest, how to place international and local calls, how to recharge your account with a mobile operator and which internet provider to use.

Dialing rules

International Calls:

Dial the international access code (00), the country code, the area code and the subscriber's number. See international country calling codes

Local Calls:

Budapest numbers have seven digits.

To call from a landline phone to a mobile phone dial:

  • 06 30 (T-Mobile),
  • 06 20 (Pannon GSM),
  • 06 70 (Vodafone) and the 7-digit subscriber's number.

To call from a mobile phone to landline phone dial 06 1 and the phone number.

Domestic (long distance) Calls:

Inside Hungary dial the national access code (06), the area code, and the subscriber's number.

Public phones

Public phones in cafes are operated by 20-, 50- and 100-forint coins or T-Com (telecommunications company) phone cards.

Most public phones operate with phone cards available at newsstands, tobacco shops, post offices, supermarkets and hotels.

All card-operated public phones in Budapest are callable. You'll find the number in the phone booth.