
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.


Clubs, Associations and Church Services

Budapest. Expat Info. Community

African Folklore Choir
Tel: 217 5614

All Nations Lions Club
Tel: 201-2386

British Women’s Association
Tel: 249 2901

International Woman’s Club Foundation
I. Krisztina krt. 59/B
Tel: 225 3078

English language sports and games club
For children aged 6-14
Tel: 06-70-248-2379

English-Hungarian Library
English and Hungarian-language Christian Library
XI, Szent Gellért tér 3
Tel: 365-2483

Budapest Exiles Rugby Football Club
Tel: (06-70) 513-6304 or (06-30) 989-0920

Mother-Baby Playgroup
Tel: 356 2440

Swedish Women’s Educational Association
Tel: (06-30) 465-61 03

English-language Church Services

Anglican-Episcopal Church
Meets for worship every Sunday at 10.30am at St Margaret’s Church
VII, Almássy utca 6
Tel: (06-23) 452-023

Danube International Church
I. Somlói út 51. Sunday worship at 10:30AM

International Baptist Church of Budapest
Every Sunday from 10.30am.
II, Törökvesz ut 48. (Móricz Zsigmond Gimnasium)

International Church of Budapest
English-speaking congregation meets on 10.30am each Sunday
III, Kis Korona utca 7
Tel: 212-9428

New Covenant Church
International congregation worship every Sunday at 10am (Bible studies between 9.30-10am)
XIII, Dózsa György út 152.
Tel: 0630-624 0599 or 0630-594 4346

Roman Catholic Mass
Every Sunday 4:00 p.m.
II, Pasaréti tér. Szent Antal Church

St Columba’s Church of Scotland
international congregation meets for English-language Presbyterian worship on Sundays at 11am at
V. Vörösmarty utca
Tel: 246-2258