Hair and Beauty Parlors

Here you will find the list of hairdressers, spas, beauty and massage parlours in Budapest with their addresses, telephones and links to websites.
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.
Here you will find the list of hairdressers, spas, beauty and massage parlours in Budapest with their addresses, telephones and links to websites.
Hairdressing studio with young English-speaking hairdressers open to your ideas. They have cool massage chairs for you to relax while they are washing your hair, with scalp massage too.
IX. Gönczy Pál utca 4
Makeup, body-painting, face treatments, hairstyling, manicure, pedicure.
VI. Izabella u.71
Tel: 30 533 8840
Mon-Fri 09:00-19:00
Sat 09:00-14:00
Thai massage and body treatment salon.
Traditional Thai massage, aromatherapy massage, oriental foot massage and various beauty programs.
XII. Alkotás út 53
One of the best tattoo and piercing studios in the city.
VI. Jókai tér, 2
Hair design, makeup, manicure, pedicure, acrylic nails, massage, solarium.
VI. Podmaniczky u., 14
Beauty services, massage, chiropractic treatment.
VI. Teréz krt., 10
Thai foot and body massage. Prices vary from 4900 to 9800 Ft.
Duna Plaza Shopping Center (1st floor)
Tel: 06 30 580 80 00
Price for a hair-cut is about 3800-7000 HUF depending on the stylist.
V. Nádor u., 20
Beauty services, hairdressing.
II. Hűvösvölgyi út 138