

Sport Lada in mint condition, with bells and whistles. Long live Eastern Europe!

By Sosna on 01 Apr 2013. Updated on 01 Apr 2013

Tourist stop

Local go?
What do they want to say with this rude looking sign by the Parliament? Small sticker saying "Question authority" seems to be very appropriate in this case.

By Sosna on 13 Nov 2012. Updated on 14 Nov 2012

Budapest floods

On the corner of a building on Egyetem tér (University Square) in the V. district there is a plaque reminding us about the Great Flood of 1838.

This flood between 13-16 March 1838 when the water rose to 1.4 meters and even 2.6 meters in some parts of the city destroyed much of Pest.

The old, shabby houses were gone, and the new beautiful Budapest was built soon, with fortified embankment area.

By Sosna on 18 Oct 2012. Updated on 18 Oct 2012

Budapest Night Out

Budapest night life is growing and getting bigger and more diverse each year. It is of course at its most active during summer heat waves, when crowds go pub crawling well into small hours. Here is our photo report from the Budapest night hot spots.

By Sosna on 24 Jun 2012. Updated on 02 Oct 2012

The Domes of Budapest

Budapest is known for its fine architecture dating mostly to the last quarter of the 19th century. This is when it became the city if bourgeoise who were decorating their house with domes, turrets and towers — to show off, to stand out and proud.

By Sosna on 21 Feb 2012. Updated on 04 Nov 2012

Budapest Street Art

Budapest is hardly a player on the European street art scene, and most of the time what we see on the streets are tags left by teenagers on the walls and doors - too boring to be even considered art.

However, something, sometimes is happening on the streets of Budapest. Take a look at we've come across recently.

By Sosna on 10 Jan 2012. Updated on 02 Oct 2012